
Norsk News Oct. 16


Shawn Bollig, Dana Fager, Bob Johnson, Jared Nelson
Svetlana Neshlyaeva, Dave Reed, Steve Salerno, Susan Smith, Judy Steinhauer, Sarah Straka, Gary Tree, Tammy Wedig, Brent Yauchler, Peggy Zalucha
Students Sydney and Stella

Announcements: Save the date for a 5th Wednesday celebration on Oct. 30.  5:30 to 7:30

Fireside Chat with prize for best Hat. Welcome Guests and potential members. More info to come

Upcoming events include Tricon on April 25-26 in Brookfield, Wisconsin, and the Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Alberta, from June 21-25.
The grant committee was reminded to finalize recommendations by the end of the month, considering various global projects.

Happy Bucks: Bob Johnson is happy that Jared Nelson is back at the club. He’s been busy traveling to Greece, Alaska, Nashville, Colorado, and soon, Las Vegas. Jared noted that when his cruise docked in Honduras, the local Rotary offered a commemorative passport stamp for a donation.

Steve Salerno is happy students, Sydney and Stella, are back with the club.

Tammy Wedig had a happy buck for Judy Steinhauer’s birthday, another for her trip to visit her daughter and husband in Pennsylvania, and noted that student Rotarians are now scheduled for the year.

 Dana Fager shared the happy news of his son Keegan's marriage to Alicia over the weekend in Waukesha.

Dave Reed was happy for his shoulder replacement surgery and his recovery process.

The group sang Happy Birthday to Judy.

Shawn Bollig is happy about Brianna's publication of an article in a law journal about education in Indian advocacy. Steve offers to share the article with the club.

Susan Smith is happy about Matt's successful heart procedure and sad that he now needs surgery for an eye injury.

Svetlana provided an update on the Wallitsch’s and suggested the group buy gift cards to help them.

Committee Meetings and Grant Committee Discussion
The group broke into smaller groups for committee meetings, including membership services, fundraising, and new generations and youth.

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Nov 13, 2024
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