Norsk News 1/15
Attendance: Steve Helwig, Russ Christian, Dave Reed, Steve Salerno, Shawn Bollig, Aubree Hanks, Dana Fager, Judy Steinhauer, Elizabeth Grabe, Peggy Zalucha, Sara Straka, Tammy Wedig, Franke Wallitsch, Svetlana Neshlyaveana, Keith White, Paul Christiansen, Mark Rooney,
Guests: Susan Wallitsch, Jackie Falch, Director of Call for Action, Laura Armstrong.
Welcome back our student Rotarians Nola Gilmore, Manon Gilles.
Welcome Our New Member!
Our newest club member Aubree Hanks received her rotary and 4-test plaques. 
Happy Bucks:
Shawn is happy for her daughter’s finance is working on moving to Wisconsin from Colombia, and her daughter got engaged. 
Liz: is happy to be back playing the violin again.
Svetlana’s wedding anniversary was spent in Mexico.  She was surprised by the many tourists,  and how left turns are executed by drivers. Her trip included fishing adventures.

Vibrant Club recap had 3 club members attending in the engaging session to help rev up membership engagement and to learn about district grants. There were break out sessions and opportunities to see how other clubs in the district promote events, attract and retain new members, and broadcast Rotary’s mission.
Peggy mentioned meeting with our upcoming governor and how our club has many challenges already figured out
Youth Exchange Committee is bringing up to speed Sara and Dana for youth exchange training and getting ramped up for this for fall; Judy encourages us club members to consider becoming host families. Judy has information on requirements, along with orientation details. We need to get the ball running on starting up the process for finding host families. Bringing in Interact club, and foreign language classes to get the word out  to potential host families was mentioned as a way to get the word out.
Hosting usually is 3-4 months, starting in August until Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving to Spring Break, and then Spring Break until July when students return to their home countries. Rotary takes care of a stipend for students, lunches, etc.
Search for our next club President:
Do any of our members have the desire to lead our club? We need a president for the next term (2026-2027). If you are interested members are encouraged to talk to our former presidents to see what is entailed.
Pancake brunch update:
Ad sales are up and running, we have a few spaces available, and we still need to check in with past advertisers that are assigned to club members. Email Paul to update advertisers with 116 sold out of the 198 available.
To sign up as an advertiser go to ( with the link for sign up for ad information.
Paul is getting the schedule together for the event, and encourages us to reach out to him via email as advertisers.
Single ad size: 1 3/4” x 15/16” inch for a single ad. Contact Peggy if artwork needs to be done for the ad.
5th Wednesday Winter party or our annual holiday party is on for 1/29 5-5:30 to 7 pm. Location tentatively is at Artemis. The membership services committee will send out emails to the club once arrangements are finalized.
Our meeting's guest speaker was a presentation about Call for Action Madison office presented by Jackie Falch. It is a consumer advocacy organization that solves about 90% of the calls that come in from consumers. 100% volunteer organization. Advocates work part time, consumer education, and working with clients to resolve their claims.
Call for Action works with various state and federal agencies. DCP, DATCP for reporting and investigation.
Contact 608 270-2833. See channel
Jan 22, 2025
Orthopedic Spine Center of Wisconsin
Feb 19, 2025
Rotary District 6250 Governor
Mar 12, 2025
Do Good Wisconsin
View entire list
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Board Member
Board Member
Youth Exchange Officer
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