
Norsk news 7/31

Attendance: Sarah Straka, Tracey Diehm, Franke Wallitsch, Mark Rooney, Dave Reed, Dana Fager, Peggy Zalucha, Heidi Kopras, Keith White, Steve Helwig, Paul Christiansen, Steve Salerno, Elizabeth Grabe, Svetlana Neshlyaeva.

Guests: Mark Wallitsch, Alyssa, Jessica and Hanna from the library.

Happy Bucks
Peggy is happy to have had lunch with Susan. Heidi is celebrating that Carolina is back for a visit and Heidi and she will be going to concerts on the square.

Our Featured Speakers from the MHPL

Hanna shared that there is a record for participation in the summer reading challenge which is a fun way to engage and encourage reading. 669 participants, 242 who finished the entire challenge. Over $14k worth of prize money was awarded, a dollar for each assignment completed.

33 Volunteers  contributed over 400 hours of service on this program.

Another summer program is Reach Out and Read program. For each hour read, the Friends of the Library will donate 50¢ to Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Last year they raised $95 and are on track to beat that number this year.

The library is open 61 hours a week, you don’t need a card to use WIFI or other services. Jessica encourages us to get a card which can be used to check out music and other media on the digital platform.

The library works with 54 libraries that shares resources.

Reading time, programs with music with reading, branching out with bilingual reading story times, STEM elements. 8959 kids participated in 206 programs in 2023.

There were 80 Adult programs, including the community wide Big Read. Lifelong learning opportunities for adults; community connections, lectures, author visits, and local experts.

Rotary Grant Update:
Hanna thanks us for the hearing loop and for the help with the outside garden space which includes raised beds which are wheelchair accessible. Thanks to rotary help the beds were constructed, and the space is more complete with a bench, beds have herbs and plants, wind chimes. The project plans on continuing to evolve and grow. The library is a way for people to get together, and eliminate isolation. 

Now on to Club Business:
We still have a lot of tickets to sell. We have 50 to go in the next 2 weeks so please try to find buyers. The chamber will be doing an email blast. There will be content posted from this week about our tickets to the event so please share!

Day of the event, please show up before 5. If you are available during the day set up starts around 10 a.m. please let Paul know if you can make it.

No noon meeting on 8/14 

Week of the 21st is our new teacher luncheon. Peggy will send out a list so we can have enough chairs for the event. Taco Bar like before, and Dr. Travis Wright will be guest speaker to talk about resiliency. Meeting will be an hour and half long.

Keith: Dana Fager and Sarah Straka will be our new youth counselors. Thank you for your service helping our youth!

Board meeting on Tuesday morning at 7 a.m.

Thanksgiving meal program needs to get covered now that Bob and Faye are no longer in the club. The event is a great way for the club to get publicity and do outreach. Getting names, getting cars and getting food.

Meeting adjourned 1:01

Aug 21, 2024
Resilience (at the Violet Room)
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