Attendance: Paul Christiansen Judy Steinhauer, Heidi Kopras,Dana Fager, Dave Reed, Bob Johnson, Svetlana Neshlyaeva, Peggy Zalucha, Franke Wallitsch, Steve Salerno, Mark Rooney, Gary Tree, Tammy Wedig
Students Katherine and Gwen
Susan Wallitsch, guest of Franke Wallitsch
Happy Bucks: Gary, Tammy
Next week:
Students who attended World Affairs Seminar
Guests Speakers
Jerry Stepaniak and Pat Cronin, Speakers and Guests of Gary Tree & members of Downtown Milwaukee Rotary Club
Global Grant Project between Downtown Milwaukee Club and Guatemala
Pat described their many projects in Guatamala:
Potable Water – Joyabaj
Water System – Chupoj
Bridge – Salitre (w/ MSOE)
Bridge – Patio Bol (w/ Marquette U.)
Bridge – Rio Lindo (w/ UW-Madison)
Bridge – El Aquacate (w/ Marquette U.)
Bridge – El Temal (w/ MSOE)
Bridge – Chiaj (w/ MSOE)
School – Chitom
School / Sanitation - Tziquintze
School / Sanitation – Los Cerritos (w/ MSOE)
WASH – La Laguna (w/ UW – Milwaukee)
WASH – El Manantial w/ MSOE)
WASH – Las Cruces Pachilip (w/ Marquette U.)
WASH – Escuintla Hospital
They work in cooperation with other clubs as well as Engineers without Borders students from Marquette University. The students are vital in the building of bridges, water and sanitation systems.
The Current 2025 Project: Water for Llano Grande
Urgent need to replace a failing water system constructed
20+ years ago.
Communitypurchased a mountain spring that will serve as
primary source, serving 500+ residents (both Mestizos and
indigenous K’iche).
Cap well / construct a concrete distribution tank +
chlorinator / use gravity-fed distribution system.
Dig water distribution lines + water taps to homes.
MSOE’s Humanitarian Engineering Club will design the solution, including a solar system that will provideprimary power (w/ utility back-up).
Train the community in billing operations + repairs + sanitation.
Intl. Lead Club: Rotary Club of Milwaukee
In-country Host Clubs: Vista Hermosa RC
There are many partners including:
Community of Llano Grande, municipality of San Martin Jilotepeque,
state of Chimaltenango, GT
Ingenieros Sin Fronteras – Guatemala (Engineers w/out Borders)
Humanitarian Engineering Club (Ew/B chapter) @ MSOE