Norsk News
Attendance: Steve Salerno, Shawn Bollig, Keith White,
Steve Helwig, Brent Yachlaur, Paul Christian, Judy Steinhauer, Susan Smith, Svetlana Neshlyaeva, Peggy Zalucha, Ellen Bernards, guest. Student Rotarians  Stella Almquist, Senior, Club Interact, Sydney Jungels, Alaman
Senior, Club Interact
Happy Bucks: Susan shared that her months long problem with a defective Apple CarPlay has been resolved by a new car radio; Svetlana won an award at an art show for her watercolor of a martini that is so realistic you can see people in the reflections on the glass.
Judy shared that she is happy that the students are here.
Steve Salerno played a short video on the upcoming World Polio Day on October 24, emphasizing the need to donate to the End Polio Now campaign to meet a $50 million target for a $2-to-1 match from the Gates Foundation. Ellen Bernards noted that the South Madison Rotary brat stand at Badger Football games donates all its profits to End Polio Now, so buy a brat at the Badger game.
Financial updates: There was an additional $2,700 profit from the 10k event once the PayPal money was transferred. There was also a mysterious $422 payment to Millers and Sons that Shawn or Keith will investigate. Shawn says that second-quarter dues were sent out via email.
Social Updates: Peggy said there will be a 5th Wednesday event Oct. 30, a fireside chat or potluck at Brent’s home bar. Svetlana suggested adding an apple tasting. Masks and Halloween costumes are encouraged.
Grant discussion: Steve Salerno noted that he hopes the grant committee will seriously consider joining the Milwaukee Rotary Club in their Guatemala projects. Peggy reported that the MARC center will also be supported by large state grants, so our support for kitchen supplies will add to a very outstanding project.
Wallitsch Update: Peggy shared that there is a crisis facing member Franke Wallitsch due to many of his caregivers quitting. We discussed sharing information to attract caregivers. Rotary members also discussed writing letters to public officials highlighting the importance of state support for disabled individuals. With guidance from Susan Wallistch, we will come up with a a template letter that club members can personalize and send to local representatives regarding state-level support for caregiving needs.
Next Week: On Oct. 9, we’ll hear about the fall migration and how we can help eliminate bird versus window collisions that peak during migration times.
Action items:
• Draw attention and look for grant opportunities to support the club member's family member in need.
• Compile a template letter regarding state-level support for caregiving needs.
•  Organize a fifth Wednesday event, potentially including an apple orchard visit.
• Provide information about the caregiver opportunity for Franke to club members.
• Investigate the $422 check to Millers and Sons.
Oct 09, 2024
Fall Migration & Bird Collisions
Oct 23, 2024
MHASD Capital Plan
Nov 13, 2024
Library international work
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