
Norsk News 7/17

Attendance: Russ Christian, Susan Lampert Smith, Dana Fager, Svetlana Nesh, Bob and Faye Johnson, Jeremy Wright, Judy Steinhauer, Peggy Zaulcha, Sarah Straka, Heidi Kopras, Shawn Bollig, Steve Helwig, Mark Rooney, Steve Salerno, Elizabeth Grabę

Guests: Gary Tree , he lives in Blue Mounds, member of Downtown Madison Rotary Club and is considering joining our club..

Host families: Ken, Lisa , Carmen Oglesby, Joel & Kara Cravens, Jada Hooks.

Happy Bucks
Peggy is happy for the work day at the library with Sarah, her son and Faye, came, and put together the handicap accessible raised beds. There’s more to put together and hours to volunteer are posted on the agenda. 2 weeks from today Jessica Gretzinger from the library will be our guest speaker.

Judy is happy for the host families that she doesn’t need to go begging to families to volunteer, something not all clubs have the luxury of having.

Russ is celebrating his 29th year anniversary of practicing dentistry in Mount Horeb. He is excited to share a table with Gary Tree.

Susan Lampert Smith: we have a guest speaker at the teacher luncheon, Travis Wright. He is a professor at UW Madison who helped with crisis counseling for the district after the school shooting. Susan is putting together an honorarium and is asking for club members to help out, or put together a gift basket.

Svetlana:  She is glad that the process of her naturalization is over and is happy for her husband who really strived for this.

Tammy says "Thank You" for the card, she is progressing, but it a long process. She hoping to dance at her daughter's wedding.

10k Raffle, we are still accepting checks. Still have tickets available.

Karla’s presentation is available on the Club’s website under the stories section including a transcript of her speech, and photos.


Karla's host families

Exchanging of Rotary flags.

Jul 31, 2024
What's Happening at the Mt. Horeb Library
Aug 21, 2024
Resilience (at the Violet Room)
View entire list
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