Attendance: S Salerno, P Christiansen, S Bollig, K White, F & S Wallitsch, B Johnson, M Rooney, E Grabe
Guests: Kathy Kuntz, Gail Morton, Faye Johnson, James Grabe, Jeremy Wright
Happy Bucks: Susan is happy to be back with us after a nasty virus that hit her household.
Shawn: her cricket team in Madison are league champions
Mark: Happy to have visiting Georgia relatives coming (graduate of Georgia Southern University) to the UW game Saturday.
Kathy Kuntz: Dane Co. Office of Climate and Energy
Mount Horeb is a leader in the county with county-wide. Mount Horeb has 2 Climate Champion program recipients. 4-star champion here in Mount Horeb is the Community School which runs with net zero consumption. Another 4-star champion is Mt. Horeb Community Garden, one of our 2023 local grant recipients.
Kathy reviewed various funding sources through state and federal governments.
Outline of Kathy’s presentation including the slide presentation can be found here: